Totally Sound is a youth music project based in Edinburgh that runs on Saturday afternoons providing music workshops for young people aged between 12 – 19 years old. We offer a range of facilities including instrument tuition, recording, rehearsal space and performance opportunities designed to encourage creativity and expression. We aim to support young people of all skill levels from absolute beginners to the most talented young performers and provide low cost access to high quality equipment and professional tuition.
Where and When?
The project is based at South Bridge Resource Centre, Infirmary Street in Edinburgh and generally runs alongside the school term. The sessions take place on a Saturday between 1pm – 4pm with a break half way through where we provide drinks and snacks for the students. There is easy access by bus to the project via the main bus route on South Bridge.

What’s it all about?
Totally Sound is all about being creative, having fun and developing skills. The project is designed to provide access to music and a platform for creative expression. Through this we aim to enhance students’ interpersonal skills, build confidence and nurture musical talent. By offering equipment and support within a safe and secure environment students can engage in structured fun and creativity.

How much does it cost?
At Totally Sound we believe access to music should not depend on the size of your wallet so we do everything we can to raise funds to keep the project going. We ask the students for a £2 voluntary donation to help cover the costs of the drinks and snacks provided. If this is a problem for any of the students then please get in touch.
Since Totally Sound began it has been continually seeking renewed funding in order to keep the project alive. Initially the sessions were funded through South Central Neighbourhood Partnership and Edinburgh City Council however, due to budget cutbacks, the project has had to be proactive about seeking out alternative funding sources.

Our Sister Projects
Our sister projects run alongside Totally Sound at the same time and venue.
Reel Youth Media – Developing technical and creative skills whilst supporting young musicians, performers and youth music service providers to create innovative digital media content.
Urban Word – A program of workshops exploring the craft of rap, hip hop, lyricism, songwriting and DJ skills.
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